Report for Saturday 16th of January 2021
Today I am 14640 days old and my weight is 83.5 kg. During the day, I consumed 1390.34 kcal coming from 94.93 g fat, 72.87 g carbohydrates and 60.97 g protein. Managed to do 0 push-ups, 0 crunches and walked 1093 steps during the day which is approximately 0.83 km.
- Age (days)
- 14640
- Weight (kg)
- 83.5
- Height (cm)
- 173
- Calories (cal)
- 1390.34
- Fat (g)
- 94.93
- Carbohydrates (g)
- 72.87
- Protein (g)
- 60.97